10.30 - 11.00 | REGISTRATION |
11.00 - 11.15 | WELCOME |
Moderation: Sonja Kato, Managing Director unikato communications | |
Renate Altenhofer, Initiator Women Leadership Forum, Managing Partner maX iconvienna | |
Wolfgang Ebner, Managing Director Hotel Tourismus und Management GmbH, Novomatic Forum | |
11.15 - 11.25 | WELCOME REMARKS |
Robin Dunnigan, Deputy Chief in Mission, U.S. Embassy to Austria | |
11.25 - 11.40 | OPENING REMARKS |
Gerhard Hrebicek, President European Brand Institute | |
11.40 - 12.15 | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Innovation needs leadership - How to innovate leadership |
H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, Founder of MAMA-light Initiative and CEO AbzeSolar S.A. | |
12.15 - 13.00 | TOPIC I - The value of women leadership in times of transformation, disruption and artificial intelligence |
Studien belegen, dass Unternehmen, die von mixed teams, d.h. mindestens 20% Frauenanteil im Management, geführt werden, öfter für disruptive Innovation sorgen, aber ist erfolgreiche Diversität auch Realität? Welchen Wert und welche Stärke hat weibliche Innovationskraft in Unternehmen oder sind Siri und Alexa die einzigen weiblichen Technologie-Vorbilder der Zukunft?
Studies show that companies that work with mixed teams, least 20% of women in management, more often provide disruptive innovation. But is successful diversity also a reality? Where do we find the value and strength of female innovation in companies or are Siri and Alexa the only tech-rolemodels of the future?
Panel Chair: Sonja Kato, Managing Director unikato communications |
13.00 - 14.00 | LUNCH |
14.00 - 14.30 | IMPULSE STATEMENT: Open minded leadership - the way to outstanding leadership |
Ronald Thoma, Autor & Managing Partner ARGO Performance & Development | |
Spaß, Erfolg und Weiterentwicklung hängen von Faktoren wie richtiger Selbsteinschätzung, Authentizität, Empathie und Vision ab. Wie und wohin soll uns Leadership heute führen? Was zeichnet große Führungspersönlichkeiten im 21. Jahrhundert aus? Gibt es starke Führungsalternativen zu Populisten, Autokraten und Demagogen wie Trump & Co.?
Fun, success and development depend on factors such as proper self-assessment, authenticity, empathy and vision. How and where should leadership lead us today? What distinguishes great leaders in the 21st century? Are there strong leadership alternatives to populists, autocrats and demagogues like Trump & Co.? |
14.45 - 15.45 |
TOPIC II: FUTURE FEMALE LEADERS - Who are the leaders of tomorrow and how to prepare them today? |
Future Female Leaders bedeutet auch, Frauen daran zu erinnern, ernsthaft auf ihr Karrierewachstum zu achten und ihnen zu helfen, ihre Karriere- und Führungsfähigkeiten auch in
Führungspositionen zu erreichen. Wie können wir heute die Frauen von morgen stärken? Welche Möglichkeiten haben Frauen um ihre Karriere voranzutreiben und Führungspositionen zu
übernehmen? Wie vernetzen sich junge UnternehmerInnen um Führungsqualitäten zu erlernen und Hindernisse zu überwinden?
Future Female Leaders also means to remind women to look seriously into their career growth and help them achieve their careers and leadership abilities also in senior positions to actively commit to gender equality. How can we empower the women of tomorrow today? What opportunities do aspiring women have for advancing their careers and taking leadership positions? How do young entrepreneurs network to learn leadership skills and overcome obstacles?
FOUNDERS, ENTREPRENEURS & INFLUENCER (Salon Schmid) Panel Chair: Val Racheeva,Co-Publisher & Author The Female Founders Book |
Panel Chair: Kathrin Gulnerits, Deputy Editor in Chief NEWS |
15.45 - 16.00 | COFFEE BREAK |
16.00 - 17.30 |
ENERGY TALK: How to work and balance today's challenges in business |
Expertentalk zu Mythos work-life-balance, richtige Ernährung und Mindfulness: Was wirklich hilft um sicher und selbstbestimmt den Berufsalltag zu meistern. Tipps, Tricks und Mini-Habits - zum Mitmachen und Mitnehmen.
Expert talk on the myth of work-life balance, healthy diet and mindfulness: What really helps you to manage your working life confident and self-determined. Hints, tricks and habits to join in and take-away.
Panel Chair: Kristin Hanusch-Linser, Executive Advisor & Brand Management Expert | |
17.30 - 18.30 | COCKTAIL powered by Schlumberger on ice |